P365 – Day 316 – show time

This weekend is our local Garden Club’s Flower and Horticultural Show.
The show is mainly for flowers, but there are sections for things like produce, home brewing and photography, and there’s also a kids’ section.
For Juniordwarf’s age group, there were classes for photographs and for models of a flower. 
I asked Juniordwarf if he wanted to make a flower during the week for the show, and he was very keen. He said he wanted to make flowers from felt, which luckily we had, so he used his developing cutting skills to cut out three different coloured flowers. He then stuck green icy pole sticks to them for stems and foam circles to the middle.
This morning we weren’t sure what to put them in, and thought of filling a jar with dirt and topping it with grass, then sticking the flowers in so it looked like they were in the lawn. So we went outside to do that, then headed off to the show, with Juniordwarf very proudly carrying his little jar of flowers.
Unfortunately we had a little hiccup on the way, with the flowers falling out in the wind*. This upset the poor little boy terribly, but I rescued them and told him we’d fix it when we got inside.
Once we’d set his model up with the other entries, it was time to go and let the judges do their work.
* Note for next time: if you’re going to push things into grass, make sure you push them all the way through the grass into the dirt below.

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