Challenge 6: 30 days of clarity

I’m a few days late with posting about the beginning of Challenge 6 of #steppingonthecracks. I had a vague idea about what this challenge was going to be about, but wasn’t sure how to articulate it. Then I realised that figuring out what the challenge is is actually a big part of the challenge.

I mentioned in Challenge 5 that I’d been reading Stephen Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and that his first habit is about being proactive and working within your circle of influence. 30 days of doing this was hard to define, but I’m trying to at least keep this idea in mind as I go through the day. And not complain about things I can’t do anything about.

Dr Covey’s second habit is “to begin with the end in mind” – that is, to start with a clear understanding of your destination; to know where you’re going so that the steps you take are steps in the right direction. This is a common theme through many of the books and posts I’ve been reading lately – that you need to know where you’re going so that you can do things that will get you there, not things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of your life.

Some of the ideas that I’ve come across in this sphere include writing a personal mission statement, identifying your personal values and, of course, goal setting. The thing about goal setting is that you have to figure out what’s important to you before you can go in and set your goals. For example, I consider learning to be very important, so one of my goals for this year was for me to read 24 books. The step I was going to put into place to achieve this was to set aside a dedicated time to read every day.

But that’s getting ahead of myself.

I’ve been feeling a bit scattered lately, and have this overwhelming urge to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing with my life. So the next 30 days (or 26 days now) will be about working through some exercises to help me sort out everything that’s going round in my head and get some clarity about what’s really important to me. I have a long list of resources, tests and exercises, including a couple of work-related activities that I’ve been spending a bit of time on in the last couple of weeks. I don’t imagine I’ll end up doing all of the exercises because there will probably be a lot of repetition once I start to get some clarity and begin to sort my thoughts out.

I’m not sure what this challenge is going to look like, but what I’d like at the end of the month is to know myself a bit better and to have some written evidence of this!

20160904 Sunrise rainbow

7 thoughts on “Challenge 6: 30 days of clarity

  1. Pingback: 12 commandments – stepping on the cracks

  2. Pingback: Challege 6 – Clarity -it continues – stepping on the cracks

  3. Pingback: Challenge 8 – Crosswords Day 15 – stepping on the cracks

  4. Pingback: Challenge 7 – 30 days of yoga: overview – stepping on the cracks

  5. snuva

    I’m going through a similar excercise, so I would ne interested in finding out what tests and resources you are using – if that’s ok?

    1. straight lines girl Post author

      The four I have planned on using so far are:
      Ch 2 of Stephen Covey’s book
      Living with Intent by Kylie Dunn (
      Some of the ideas in this podcast
      The career review from People Flourishing (I can send you the emails if you like, there are 5 worksheets to make up the career review process that she outlines)
      Some of these have links to online tests such as the DISC profile and finding your strengths in various areas which are interesting. I have heaps of others but I don’t think I need to do absolutely everything or it will get repetitive and/or overwhelming!


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